Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern USA 应用

Bishop Youssef Official 2.07
The Bishop Youssef Official App is a mobile application thatcontains a vast and expanding collection of Bishop Youssef’s bodyof work, spanning more than two decades of books, sermons, lettersand other resources. From sermons - in both audio and videoformats, to books written by Bishop Youssef, to monthly letters ofcontemplation and encouragement to the Diocese, Priests,Congregations, Monastics and Servants, to material specificallyaddressed to and for youth, children, and families, to books on theSaints, Church stories, Bible studies, Divine Liturgies in audioand video formats, and much more, the Bishop Youssef App is avaluable educational and spiritual reference tool for anyoneseeking daily intellectual and spiritual nourishment andupliftment. The material presented on the Bishop Youssef App –audio, video, literature, and letters – is a mix of Arabic andEnglish materials and is easy to navigate in either language.
Coptic Reader 2.98
Coptic Reader, more than just a text reader.
SUSCopts Portal 2.3.6
Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States Admins Portal